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            This article explores the differential impacts of recent “stay-at-home” orders on mobility, economic activity, and pollution across the state. Data reveal decreases in travel, with evidence of recovery prior to …

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            The spread of COVID-19, and the public responses and policies it has engendered, have interrupted some food availability and prompted concerns among consumers about the reliability of the food supply …

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            When stay-at-home orders were issued in March 2023 to slow the spread of COVID-19, farm workers were deemed essential and expected to continue working. As California’s farm employment climbs toward …

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            Innovations in food science have led to the emergence of plant-based substitutes for animal meat products. This article provides an overview of some of the emergent products and argues that …

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            In May 2023, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) initiated the cancellation of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. This article estimates the economic effects of cancellation on six major California crops.

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            Reuse of treated urban wastewater for beneficial purposes can mitigate water scarcity. However, its costs and benefits are uncertain. We examine reuse feasibility through a regional modeling framework in the …

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            Profiles of leading California agricultural industries illustrate the different ways the pandemic has impacted the cattle, dairy, produce, strawberry, tomato, tree nut, and wine industries.

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            We review the three largest nutrition assistance programs in the United States—SNAP, NSLP, and WIC— and discuss how these programs can help address the food security challenge posed by the …

          在国外怎么用网易云音乐,解决办法大全!-百度经验:2021-7-31 · 在国外怎么用网易云音乐,解决办法大全!,作为一个海外留学生来说,刚出国不久一切都如此陌生,想听听音乐慰藉心灵都难上加难~~~~gt_lt~~~~,作为一个重度乐谜,跟我一样的同胞伊估计不少,这两天研究了下总算发现了比较靠谱的方法,套路 ...

          The Giannini Foundation was founded in 1930 from a grant made by the Bancitaly Corporation to the University of California in tribute to its organizer and past president, Amadeo Peter Giannini of San Francisco. Members of the Giannini Foundation are University of California faculty and Cooperative Extension specialists in agricultural and resource economics on the Berkeley, Davis, and Riverside campuses. The broad mission of the Foundation is to promote and support research and outreach activities in agricultural economics and rural development relevant to California.